These are just some of the things I like doing to pass the time and occupy myself...
Gaming is one of my favorite past-times(to an unhealthy degree😅) and I have played a wide-variety of games of various different genres. My favourite genre of games are RPG games, as I love the stories that they can tell and the replayability of those types of games.
I also really enjoy playing Grand-Strategy games, as they also have immmense amounts of replayability and can also create great and interesting stories. Here are some of my favorite games(in no particular order) that I highly recommend:
I really enjoy learning things, and I love finding out fun trivia facts about things(Which I later shamelessly use to impress others). My favourite areas to learn about are History, Geography, Mythology, Theology, Psychology, Philosophy and Programming.
I love travelling and seeing new places. My favourite places are usually museums and small towns. I enjoy going to historical museums and learning more about certain time periods. I enjoy museums so much that I now have a Dutch museum card, where I can go to over 500 museums for free. My favourite museums in the Netherlands so far have been the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, The Oorlog Museum in Overloon and the much lesser known Museum Ceuclum in Cuijk. I enjoy going to smaller towns that people might not know as well as the bigger towns or cities. Usually you can find just as much interesting stuff as you can in the bigger towns, but with less people going there. If you are interested in some of the places I have been to, take a look at the photography section below for some photos.
I have always enjoyed taking photos, but it's only recently that I have considered it as a hobby and where I make effort to take cool looking pictures.
My interest in photography is not just limited to the real world, as I take plenty of pictures in the games that I play, and I think that games are such great mediums for photography as they transport you to fantasy worlds where things are different and a lot of the times more interesting that our world.
Click on the images to flip them over!